Welcome to the snow-dressed village of Appleshire and to my kitchen. I am Francine and my baking has quite a reputation and so as Jack Frost is leaping about ready to snatch at the paws of the unwary and ungloved, I have been cooking up winter treats for my friends, in particular Mackintosh and Victor. I have made macarons, perhaps you like them too. I have coloured them palest yellow and green which I think suitable for mid-winter and flavoured them with almond and pistachio and vanilla cream. They are so cheery that I can hear them singing to me,

‘Winter’s treats for tiny feet, vanilla cream, a winter’s dream.’

Yesterday, Mackintosh built a Snow Mole and dressed it with a long red and green striped scarf that he had knitted himself. It was easy he said when you got the hang of stuffing the holes where you had dropped stiches with cotton wool. He gave it his third best jacket, but after consideration and a cup of peppermint tea, he rushed back to change it for his fourth best for as he said,

‘I think I could still wear that one for tunnelling or use as a duster!’

This feature is called ‘Victor’s Voice’. Victor reads a great deal and this month he would like to tell you that January was named after the Roman God, Janus. Janus was the god of gates and doors and in January it is as if we have walked through an imaginary door into a New Year. The Romans imagined him as having two faces, one looking back to the past, one looking forward to the future (Mackintosh thinks that this is a good idea as it would give you more brain cells.)

Stay safe,

Love from Appleshire,

Francine and Friends.

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